7 Innovative Date Ideas

7 Innovative Date Ideas

While we agree, planning a date can sometimes be quite a task – we mean there is so much at stake right? Setting an impression, being thoughtful, finding the middle ground and in the end, wanting to also make someone feel special!

What if we told you, we’re about to make your life a whole lot easier? After a whole lot of research, we’ve put together a great bunch of ideas that are not the regular run-of-the-mill. After this, your date is definitely going to go aww or wow.

The arcade guns come out

Mixing nostalgia and adrenaline is always a good idea! Get on the floor, challenge your date to an intense game of alien attack or just dance your way through on the dance dance revolution stage. To a notch higher on the competitiveness and play a game of bowling or ice hockey!


7 Innovative Date Ideas




The joy of winning a toy or those coupons is unmatchable and will definitely make for a fun day or evening out.

P.S. It’s a great way to also find out how your date acts when they lose.




Go close to nature

If you live in the city, it feels great to get a breath of fresh air and just be around something green or blue. If your date is up for it, you could also plan a short hike or a drive to a place 2-3 hours away from the city.

Nature makes for a great place to connect
with someone, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and guess what? It’s absolutely free of cost.


date ideas


Bring out that bathroom singer

Karoke’s are always fun! Are we right or are we right? Find a spot, get those drinks in and sing your hearts out. Being goofy might just win you some extra points here, so sing straight from your heart.

Make sure you feel that pain when you go – I want it that way!


date ideas for young couples


Show your inner nerd

Remember those museum and planetarium trips that were a part of the school field trip. Back then the proposition of spending a day out of class seemed very fascinating! Find the museums in your city and plan a tour of them. Geek out on knowledge together and find out something you both didn’t know earlier.

A movie hop

Does your date enjoy cinema? The smell of popcorn, the samosas which are weirdly addictive and getting lost in a different world for a couple of hours?

Check out the movies that are playing, create a mix of genres, throw in a surprise one in the bag as well.


movie date


Make a meal together

Food definitely brings people closer! Sign up for a cookery class and battle it out in the kitchen with your partner. This also makes a great testing ground for their patience, humility and other skills.

Food hall organizes them quite often and you can check them out here.


romantic date ideas


Channel your inner artist

Yes, it’s time to flaunt your skills or laugh over just how bad your artistic sensibilities are. Take your partner our for a sip and paint date where you’re given a canvas, a bunch of paints and lots of drinks – yes you read that right!

Check out their instagram page and get planning! – @sipandpaintindia

So yes, date ideas can get exhausting! We mean there is only so much food you can eat and cocktails you can drink! These unconventional ideas are also easy on your pocket and will definitely impress your date if you play all your cards right.