Practise Mindfulness This Holiday Season

Festivals, parties, weddings, birthdays! The holiday season is full of them and sometimes the social commitments can get a little too overwhelming. In times like these, it’s essential to pause and reflect. Listening to your mind and body is key and that can only happen in stillness.

We want to ensure that we’re able to be fully present for these social commitments instead of just being there physically while our mind wanders off. We’ve put together a few ways in which you can practise mindfulness to make sure you enjoy the holiday season to the fullest.

Make sure your prioritise

You will be getting a bunch of invites this season, there’s always something or another happening. If they’re not events, they’re plans made by your friends or family to go to different places. We recommend you make a list of everything and prioritise what’s important for you and the ones that would genuinely make you happy.

Yes, you’re right, it may tick some people off, but that will be fine, you come first, always.




Make your own tiny rules

It’s easy to slip with the sweet treats and alcohol when it comes to parties and events. If you end up keeping a blanket rule of eating healthy and rely on your will power, chances are that you’ll give in easily. We all do! Instead, make your own silly rule and follow it.

For example: I will only have 2 drinks at the party and push it to 3 if absolutely needed. After that, I’ll politely decline.




Remove time for yourself

Like any other device, we humans also have a social battery and it tends to run out of charge after multiple social interactions. Let alone the ones that involve alcohol in it. The only way to recharge that is to remove some time for yourself to do things that make you feel happy and fulfilled. It could be spending time in your bed, bingeing a show or playing a sport or taking a trip closer to nature.


Walk in a park


Stock up on those vitamins

Vitamins and minerals play an important role in maintaining energy levels in our body and keeping our vitals in check. Consult with your doctor to find out which multivitamin would suit your system the best and make sure you have it regularly as prescribed. The effects of it will magically surprise you.


Practice mindfulness


Move your body

Nope, we don’t mean by dancing at a party. While that’s great too, try to inculcate some form of physical activity in your life, this holiday season. It could be something basic such as taking a walk every week or doing a power yoga session. Choose what makes you feel good and make it a part of your routine.

Having that extra piece of pizza won’t feel so bad afterall.




Here’s a quick handbook to stay healthy this festive season and we promise, your body will thank you later and you can then thank us!