What is Your Party Style? Got a minute? Take the quiz!

The food, the music, the memories, we firmly believe that parties can be one of the best things on planet Earth. But ever wondered what’s your favourite style of partying? Well, we’ve got a fun little quiz for you to find out!

  1. 1 Pick some people to party with.
  1. a) My local social circle
  2. b) Friends, acquaintances, strangers, and anyone really!
  3. c) My family, ALL of them
  4. d) Co-workers, industry folk, and high-society people
  1. 2 What kind of décor would you rather see at a party?
  1. a) Twinkling warm lights, polaroids, and house plants
  2. b) Disco ball, strobe lights and a photo booth, and a well-stocked bar
  3. c) Fun floral arrangements, colourful streamers, and al-fresco dining
  4. d) Exotic florals, posh tables & contemporary art pieces (maybe an ice sculpture or two!)
  1. 3 You had a crazy night. What snaps did you find on your camera roll?
  1. a)     Funny videos and your pals passed out
  2. b)     You singing karaoke and something blurry

c )     Pictures of the food and group photos

  1. d)      Your outfit and some poses for the ‘gram
  1. 4 You’ve to pick your party outfit, what do you wear?
  1. a) Something comfy but cute (tee and jeans all the way)
  2. b) Something sexy (time to bring out the LBD)
  3. c) Something casual-chic (breezy maxi dress or chinos)
  4. d) Something sophisticated (your fav power-suit or the gorgeous black-tie gown)
  1. 5 At a party you are most likely to be
  1. a)         Laughing, crying, and winning at Monodeal
  2. b)         Taking refills at the bar and busting some moves
  3. c)       Eating your heart out
  4. d)       Meeting new people
  1. 6 Pick a theme that excites you the most
  1. a)       Game Night
  2. b)       Retro
  3. c)        Carnival
  4. d)        Cocktail or Black Tie
  1. 7 Where would you like to party the most?
  1. a)       My home (I love hosting)
  2. b)       The town’s best new hotspot!
  3. c) A farmhouse or somewhere outdoors
  4. d)        A beautiful resort or city hall!
  1. 8 Which of these sounds like your ideal night out?
  1. a) Playing pool or watching a match or game night at a friend’s
  2. b) Dancing the night away in your go-to club
  3. c) Out for a movie with the fam
  4. d) Networking in the town’s best restaurants
  1. 9 What kind of food does this party have?
  1. a) Your favourite take-out
  2. b) Some lip-smacking finger food, but you’re mostly at the bar!
  3. c) Barbecue and some potpie
  4. d)        A fancy fine dining spread
  1. 10 It’s 12 am, what’s your night looking like?
  1. a) It’s getting late but still fun
  2. b) The night is young
  3. c) Saying our goodbyes now!
  4. d) Already in bed

Your result:

Mostly a’s: Happening House-party! 

You love hosting and a fun, cozy night in with your best pals is a night well spent for a homebody like you.

Mostly b’s: Wild Night Out

You are young, wild, and adventurous and so are your night-outs! You love to turn strangers into friends, and you have a damn good time doing it.

Mostly c’s: Big Fat Family Fiesta

You know how to turn family time into a real party. There’s great food, lots of laughter, and even more love!

Mostly d’s: A Posh Gala  

You have a wardrobe filled with party outfits to impress your peers and you love it (also, your photos are impeccable).

What is Your Party Style?

What is Your Party Style?
Got a minute? Take the quiz!

The food, the music, the memories, we firmly believe that parties can be one of the best things on planet Earth. But ever wondered what’s your favorite style of partying? Well, we’ve got a fun little quiz for you to find out!

1. Pick some people to party with.

  • My local social circle
  • Friends, acquaintances, strangers, and anyone really!
  • My family, ALL of them
  • Co-workers, industry folk, and high-society people


2. What kind of décor would you rather see at a party?

  • Twinkling warm lights, polaroids, and house plants
  • Disco ball, strobe lights and a photo booth, and a well-stocked bar
  • Fun floral arrangements, colorful streamers, and al-fresco dining
  • Exotic florals, posh tables & contemporary art pieces (maybe an ice sculpture or two!)


3. You had a crazy night. What snaps did you find on your camera roll?

  • Funny videos and your pals passed out
  • You singing karaoke and something blurry
  • Pictures of the food and group photos
  • Your outfit and some poses for the gram


4. You’ve to pick your party outfit, what do you wear?

  • Something comfy but cute (tee and jeans all the way)
  • Something sexy (time to bring out the LB
  • Something casual-chic (breezy maxi dress or chinos)
  • Something sophisticated (your fav power-suit or the gorgeous black-tie gown)


5. At a party you are most likely to be

  • Laughing, crying, and winning at Monodeal
  • Taking refills at the bar and busting some moves
  • Eating your heart out
  • Meeting new people


 6. Pick a theme that excites you the most

  • Game Night
  • Retro
  • Carnival
  • Cocktail or Black Tie


7.  Where would you like to party the most?

  • My home (I love hosting)
  • The town’s best new hotspot!
  • A farmhouse or somewhere outdoors
  • A beautiful resort or city hall!


8. Which of these sounds like your ideal night out?



  • Playing pool or watching a match or game night at a friend’s
  • Dancing the night away in your go-to club
  • Out for a movie with the fam
  • Networking in the town’s best restaurants


9. What kind of food does this party have?



  • Your favorite take-out
  • Some lip-smacking finger food, but you’re mostly at the bar!
  • Barbecue and some potpie
  • A fancy fine dining spread


10.  It’s 12 am, what’s your night looking like?



  • It’s getting late but still fun
  • The night is young
  • Saying our goodbyes now!
  • Already in bed


Your result:


Mostly a’s: Happening House-party!
You love hosting and a fun, cozy night in with your best pals is a night well spent for a homebody like you.

Mostly b’s: Wild Night Out
You are young, wild, and adventurous and so are your night-outs! You love to turn strangers into friends, and you have a damn good time doing it.

Mostly c’s: Big Fat Family Fiesta
You know how to turn family time into a real party. There’s great food, lots of laughter, and even more love!

Mostly d’s: A Posh Gala
You have a wardrobe filled with party outfits to impress your peers and you love it (also, your photos are impeccable).